Friday, December 19, 2014

Scary santa

Wednesday we took Evs to the mall to see Santa. We had been hyping him up, talking about his beard, his glasses, and him saying ho ho ho. Thankful we only had to wait about 10 mins for our turn, and when daddy carried Everlee up to meet this jolly stranger, she said "no no no Anta", and started crying. 
Apprehensively observing how this meeting takes place.
Immediately tried to make a run for it, when placed in Santa's lap.
Poor girl, wasn't a fan of the bearded guy. Felt so bad that she was scared,  hopefully she won't be scarred for life ;) Maybe next year she will be more excited to see him ???? 
Little lunch with mom and dad after seemed to make things better. 
Couple of Daddys fries, and mommy's styrofoam noodles, and all was right in her world again. Glad Rich and I have such great flexible careers, that allow us the freedom to partake in such special occasions with our favorite girl! 

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