Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How do you like my hat?

Everlee wanted to dress Eden in a hat. So naturally what does a silly 3 1/2 year old  come up with for her sis to wear...
Zootopia undies of course(and yes they are clean)

Beginning of a cheerleader

Two weekends ago we attended Chloe's cheer fundraiser, and Everlee was fascinated, mesmerized, and intrigued at the event. Unfortunately I did not take any pictures, as I thought I forgot my phone, but she had so much fun watching the girls, and chasing her cousin Cooper and the boys around the big gym mat.
She is already begun practicing her cheer moves, and her balancing. And maybe her stunt man, would participate in a guest competition as well;)
Do we have a future cheer dad in the making;)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Acorn squash

Can't tell if she eventually liked the acorn squash, or if the smile at the end was because she didn't have to eat anymore;)

Friday, November 18, 2016

A helping hand

A couple months ago the city of ankeny put up 6 helping hand boxes throughout the city. The purpose of these boxes is to have people in the community fill the boxes with food, and personal items, to help those who are in need. One of these boxes is in a trailer park, a couple blocks away from the elementary school the girls will go to. Since reading about these boxes, it has weighed heavily on my heart and mind, that there are children who attend the school that my kiddos will go to, that are without food, go to bed hungry, and aren't sure where and when their next meal will be. So on a montlhy basis, Everlee and I will contribute to the helping hand boxes, so we can give back to others, and give to those that have less than us. Today was our first contribution, and it felt so good giving something we take for granted every single day.  Can't wait to keep giving, spreading the love and kindness, and also teaching our girls the importance of giving back, and getting nothing back monitarily, but emotionally. 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Time for solids

At Edens 6 month appt, her ped said we could start implementing a teaspoon of baby food into her daily feedings. I had been waiting for the go ahead, and started making homemade baby food like butternut squash, acorn squash, and applesauce in anticipation for the big day. We figured Eden would be a total chow hound, she shows so much interest while others are eating, but not so much. After 6 days of food, she still is not showing much interest. Actually turns her head away and closes her mouth. May be a texture thing, or it may be the taste, but as of the past week, homemade butternut squash and applesauce aren't her favs. Not a big deal we shall keep trying a variety of foods, and in the meantime, this mom will be happy to supply her  the nourishment she needs :-)
Eagerly waiting
Evs feeding Eden her first bite

Trying to feed herself was rather messy. But, playing with the spoon after was much more fun.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016


Dr Andersen encouraged us to have Eden practice sitting by herself, numerous times a day, for at least 10 seconds. Gotta build that core strength! 
Homework assignment done. I give her an A :)