Monday, December 21, 2015

Wed at the Science center

It's fun to see from week to week, what Everlee is fascinated with at the science center. On this particular day, it was the air machines that blow the balls into the air, and all around.
These last few pics crack me up! Thank you Grandpa Greg and Grandma Jan for the science center, zoo, living history farms yearly pass!!! You know it will get used frequently!! 

Santa baby

In following tradition, we went to see Santa the first friday of December. Daddy took a couple hours off of work, we went to Cheesecake Factory, and then off to meet Santa. We had been talking all about Santa for awhile, and what Santa means and does. She remembered him being scary, and as a family we talked about how kind and generous Santa was. Well it seemed to work, Everlee thoroughly enjoyed her visit.
Lunch time 
Throwing money in the wishing pond
Bit apprehensive
Warming up
Ready for her turn
After pics to come

It's Panera time

Every week, Everlee requests to go to her favorite restaurant Panera, and i am happy to oblige.  Not sure she likes the mac & cheese more, or the fact that she can roam freely and socialize with any table that will chat with her.
Wanting to sit by herself. Guess I'm already uncool.  
Hipster in gma Cocos glasses.
And this is how she feels about our weekly Panera lunches!

Friday, December 11, 2015

Carrying on tradition, kind of;)

Pre Everlee it was a yearly birthday tradition that my mother in law would get me stunning high heels. Some people that it was nuts that she could pick out such super cool shoes(many were on an 8 week display at our salon for an in house promotion, and were raved about). While those shoes are a huge part of my great shoe collection, and are worn minimally now, my feets needs have changed. This year these sparkly beauties came in the mail, and my feet are warm, happy, and pretty;) I love them!!! Not old skool high heels, my feet can't handle them much anymore, but functional, practical, truly appreciated, and oh so beautiful!! Thank you!! Not to leave out my father in law, as I know he had a huge part in picking out these UGGS 3000 ;) 

Monday, December 7, 2015

They just keep getting better

Now this is how you start a birthday!! My sweet hubby getting me my favorite food on the planet. YUM YUM!!
That was followed by a delicious decaf coffee brought to me by mom, poppa Rudy (happy day to him as well) and my girl. HELLO sugar rush!
While at work, I was gifted a BEAUTIFUL bouquet of flowers that were different shades of people, and white. These had father and daughter written all over them, and they were stunning!!!!
Then early evening Tyler came into the salon to get his haircut by my newly employeed associate, since I was crazy busy getting peeps pretty for the upcoming holiday. I was beyond surprised when he came in with a lovely bouquet of flowers, and a sweet birthday and thank you note attached! I have to say I was completely caught off guard by such a thoughtful, unexpected gesture. So much so, I may have gotten a bit teary eyed, and it made my evening. Thank you Tyler!!
Also thanks to all for the sweet messages and calls throughout the day.  Thanks to the Janasko family, Gampa Gayg and Gamma Jan for the cards, Brig, Hollie, Coops and Evs for the cherished homemade cards , and gma coco and poppa for having Evs wed for an overnight. Finally thanks to my hubs for making my day, and weekend perfection!  As the years pass, the birthdays just keep getting better and better. OR maybe there more meaningful due to the  wonderful people in my life, who make the day extra special!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Time for Thanks!

We were so thankful to be able to spend time this thanksgiving with both of our families. The endless amount of laughs, yummy meals, and great company, had us all feeling full. Full of food, gratitude, love, memories, and happiness.
Two of the men working hard to carve the turkey, another thinking about how he's going to work some dead eye into a photo shoot;) 
Gingerbread house making time. I think Coop and Evs spent more time eating the decorations, then they did actually putting them on the house:)
Sugar has kicked in!
Now crash!
Thanks Brigett and Steve for the hospitality, and good times! Now off to Minneapolis.
Friday night Johnny was such a big helper with Evs final breathing treatment!
Craft time.
Movie night.
Foot message with lavender and breathing oils, before bedtime. This peanut was zapped from the holiday festivities.
Thanks Steph and Greg for having us up, fun times as always. And thanks to Jules and Jon for the nonstop entertainment of Everlee. We barely saw her all weekend!!

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Gampa Gayg and Gamma Jan time

It had been a few months since we had seen Grandpa Greg and Grandma Jan, and Evs was all sorts of excited to spend time with them. What a fun evening of crafts, company, catching up, and yummy food. We are glad to have them back for the holiday season!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2015


You know your little peanut it's feeling well, when she falls asleep on daddy watching peppa. 
Then middle of the week, her coughing is so bad, meds, and breathing treatments are required to help her breath. Silver lining, other then her feeling more of these things!! 
You can't breathe well with a binks in, and it doesn't help ones cough;) bummer she got sick, but breaking the binky was very, very easy this time. Isn't even missing it! WHEW!