Monday, May 30, 2016

Call me crazy

I took both girls to the science center last week, and WOWZERS was that a mistake!! I wanted us to do something fun for Everlee, and the science center seemed like a great idea.....NOT!
This place was insanely busy. I should have known when I had to park on the top ramp. There were 12 buses of  field trippers there, and the place was filed with big kids running amuck. So after an hour and fifteen minutes, a punch to Everlees gut by a toddler, and many deep deep breaths from momma, us three girls were ready to bolt. Evs didn't mind leaving one bit when I bribed( I mean offered) to take her to get some shopkins, or stay at the science center. Note to self for future visits, don't go at the end of the year when children and teachers have classroom fever.
This pic doesn't even touch how chaotic this place was. 
Someone doesn't mind, but I could only handle dodging and weaving in and out of kiddos, being bumped into, and finally being sneezed and coughed on, for so long. I was beyond relieved when Evs wanted to leave. We shall try it again in a few weeks, when school is out, and this momma is a bit more comfortable around unorganized chaos. 
Shopkins, and sanity time!!! Figured I saved money by buying shopkins, and not eating lunch at the science center. Rational and logical thinking right???

2 week appt

Eden is growing like a champ. 2 week stats are as follows:
Weight 8lb 13 oz- 70%
Height 20 3/4 " 75%
Head 14" 80%
Quite the progress from her first few days in the hospital:):)
When Eden was in utero my ob would listen to her heart rate, and push on my abdomen to check her positioning. Each time Eden would squirm like crazy, and doc would comment how she doesn't like to be messed with. This proves to true out of the womb. She's such a chill baby, until poked, and prodded ;)

Thursday, May 26, 2016

First family outing

It was soooo nice to have us all get out of the house last Friday, and get together with family at dad and jans. Thanks for the change of scenery, entertainment, and good eats. We are so glad your back, and look forward to more family gatherings this summer:)
Dad, we will get some pics of you and Eden when she has more neck control, and is more sturdy. So probably when she is around one;)

Catching up

It has been quite Busy the past couple weeks with visitors, activities, appointments, and just adjusting to our new life with two girlies. Talk about exhausting, and rewarding all at the same time. We want to thank all who have helped with the girls, especially with Everlee and keeping her schedule and life as familiar as possible, those who have brought yummy meals, treats, gifts, invited us over for a change of scenery, and just taken time to see us, and lend a hand, has been VERY helpful. They say it takes a village, and this certainly proves to be true with a growing family:) 
Everlees favorite, a very special gift from grandma k-SHOPKINS!
Uncle rich pulling Jon's first loose tooth. Think it cost the parents, and tooth fairy a bit extra to bribe that tooth outta there;)
The after
Saying good bye is never easy, So instead we will see you next time. Notice jons ziplock with his tooth money in it;)

Saturday, May 14, 2016

First peds appt.

When we brought Eden home from the hospital, she had lost 10oz, and weighed 7lb 4oz. Not a huge concern, but something we needed to keep an eye on. Well 5 days later we took her to her first pediatrician appt and she had gained 12 oz, and weighed 8lbs!!! We are now in the clear and we dont have to watch for jaundice, more weight loss, or supplement with formula. I am in such awe of what our human bodies can do, and love that I am able to nourish Eden, and provide her with the good stuff that helps her grow and develop. 

Weight 8lb
Head 14cm
Length: ??? Didn't measure her, we will get at her two week appt

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Happy Mother's Day!

My dreams came true 3 years ago when we had Everlee, and now being the mother of two girls, has me living what I can only describe as a fairy tale. Motherhood is the hardest"job" I have ever done, yet the most rewarding, fulfilling, eye opening,  joyous journey I get to experience every day. I learn so much daily about our girls, my husband,  myself, our families, and our lives. Most of it happy and exciting, some of it self reflecting, critical(of myself) and thought provoking. What a gamut of emotions on some days, and I wouldn't change a single experience or moment for anything else in this world! Being a mother is my biggest and best accomplishment!!
With that said, I have a handful of women who have set the bar high, given wonderful insight and advice along the way, are a huge part in Everlee and Eden's growth, development, and shaping as females. My mom, mother in law, Jan, Brigett, Stephanie, and Hollie, to have women like you who offer strength, selflessness, independence, tact, self respect, goals, love, and unconditional support to us, I love you and we thank you for guiding and helping us along the way.  You all encourage, and inspire me as a momma!
Finally to my husband, who always knows how to take a special day, and make it perfect! Thank you for making another Mother's Day so memorable. All your girls love and adore you:) 
First cake made, by both Evs and daddy. It was deeelish, and meaningful. 
My Mother's Day flowers, and coffee mug, that Evs picked out! Can't wait to enjoy my daily Java, in my new fave cup!
These three... there are no words. Just a heart that is full, a soul that is complete, and a mind that is peacefully at ease.