Friday, December 12, 2014

Party Animals!

It's been a looooong week at Casa de Kneifl. Evs had a stomach bug last Thurs, and ended up attempting to sleep in our bed. Between her multiple rounds of vomiting, delirious jibber jabber, and the constant squirming, kicking and elbowing, the three of us were lucky to get a few hours of sleep. We both felt like we were back to when Evs was finally home with us, and we were beyond sleep deprived. Friday you could tell she was still under the weather, not as energetic, cranky, and minimal appetite. After her bedtime, we both fell into bed around 8:30. Taking care of a cranky 1 1/2 year old, doing umpteen loads of pukey laundry, and running on fumes was exhausting. Glad it was short lived, until it hit mommy and daddy Saturday night. 
We were out to dinner, just seated, contemplating dinner, when it was discovered both Rich and I did not feel good. You know it's bad when he doesn't touch his adult beverage, and everything on the usually delicious menu, makes you want to vomit. Well, we left the restaurant prior to ordering, due to nausea. Thank goodness we did, cause mommy tossed her cookies 6 times in the parking lot, and daddy 10 minutes later , pulled over, and lost his lunch, and breakfast, and dinner from the night before. Thank goodness my mom and Rudy had Evs, and we could go home, be miserable, and hopefully sleep in. Sunday daddy was feeling slightly better, enough to take care of Evs until mid afternoon, and mommy finally was able to drag herself out of bed, and help out. I'm thankful it was only bad for 24 hours, and that we slowly recovered, and that it didn't stay around too long. What a 40th birthday celebration!! Back in the day, all of those symptoms would have been self induced on my bday. Now I hang out in bed until 4:00pm, after a night out, because I'm old ;)
Our attempt at a couples pic. This was minutes after barfapalooza, and surprised we could pull it together this much. What a night!!

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