Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Fall party

Being a PTO mom, and classroom sure does have its advantages. 

Crocker Cruisers

Every Tuesday and Thursday all Crocker students have an opportunity to participate in Crocker’s cruisers. This program encourages children during their lunch break to run laps around the school. After 8 laps around the school, they receive a charm. After The goal is to get the students to run 1 full marathon during the weather permitting school year. That’s 64 laps around!!! A lot for some of these little legs, and  Some of these elementary kids run 3 marathons a year!!
WOW!!   The best part about This program, is I get to volunteer  from 11-1:00, 2 to 3 Tuesdays a month. I love seeing Evs run, and getting to know some of the kiddos!!

Sunday, March 17, 2019

She loves her binkies

School pic day

Crocker fun run

The first Fundraiser of the year, and I was happy to be able to watch every single Crocker student participate in the Crocker fun run. Man those little legs can motate!
Pep rally before the run starts


Eden doesn’t think less isn’t always best 

Maxin and relaxin

Beehive winner

Second week of school, and Evs was the beehive winner at school. She received this award for being, kind, leading by example, respectful, responsible, and safe. Her favorite part of receiving the award...the principal announces your name over the loudspeaker for the entire school to hear:)

And because we were so proud of her accomplishment, daddy took her to the store to buy whatever toy she wanted!! Way to go Everlee!

Wiggle worm

She’s not quite sure what to expect 

She loves it!

Who’s child is this??

Eden can’t believe it!
 Thank you daddy for going to 3 different stores to buy your girl a Hawkeye shirt! I know it was painful!! The things you do for your girls:):)