Sunday, February 26, 2017

I'll just help myself

Note to self. Do not leave food on the floor, in a bag, unattended.   I wondered why it was so quiet. Helped herself to some puffs:);)

snap pea crunchie

When big sis accidentally drops a snap peas crunchie, this one swoops right in and starts munchkin away.

Little blurry, but LOVING it
  Nom nom nom


 Switch a roo nap spots ;)

70 in February!

      Can't believe we were outside for lunch in just a jacket. Eden loved all of the new sights and sounds, and was so happy checking everything out. It was also great to open the house, and get some fresh air moving thru. Everlee, well between a weekend birthday celebration at the milers, and the beautiful weather, we barely saw her:)

Sister selfie

 Gawwwww I just handle the cuteness!

Out to dinner




Monday, February 20, 2017

Bean boozeled

Remember the mixture of yummy and gross flavored jelly beans Everlee got for Valentine's Day? Well she was ready to roll the dice and see what flavor she got. Hmmmm can I guess the flavor by smelling it?
 The bite
  Poor girl! Moldy cheese was the selection, and it smelled horrible. There were even tears in her eyes, it was THAT bad :( 
Let's see if this gum can get that nasty taste out her mouth:) wonder how long it will be until she's asking for another jelly bean;)

This is my yummy face


Valentines with these three

Our first Valentine's Day, as a family of four. We broke a 20 year tradition, and this was the first Valentine's Day I did not receive flowers, per my request. Instead a very sweet handwritten card, gifts for our girls, chocolates, time together, and an upper level house renovation, was far more important. Our day, just like every other day, was full of love!
   Forget puffs, mum mums, and yogurt bites, she's going straight for the Stams! She's got great taste, and may have just as big of a sweet tooth as Everlee and I;) 
  Bean boozles. It's a mystery jellybean bag. You never know if you're going to get yummy flavored jellybeans, or lawn clippings, boogers, spoiled milk, barf, and several other nasty flavors. Evs was fascinated, and grossed out at the same time;)
Supersoft manly pillowcases for high maintenance daddy, so he doesn't have to steal his daughters super soft pillow;)
And my favorite picture EVER! Thank you Brigett for the great pic!

Feeling yucky

When Eden was up all night a couple nights ago, it was either growth spurt, teething, or she was getting the beginning of the crud. That crud ended up being bronchitis, and we ended up at urgent care for some breathing treatment meds. What's crazy is Everlee was about the same age, same month,  and she had her first bout with bronchitis, and ended up meeting breathing treatments. Weird!
  Lots of love and snugs to heal this sweet pea.