Thursday, August 29, 2013

More Great Grandparent Time

Everlee got to spend some time with Great Grandpa and Grandma Pietz this week while they were visiting Des Moines.
Can't get enough standing on Grandmas lap.
Once again Everlee was fascinated by Grandpas bird noises, and whistling.
Thankful for the visit, and the time spent with Everlee , while mommy recharged her battery :)

Monday, August 26, 2013

Easin' on up to Estherville

Friday we headed up to Estherville so Everlee could meet her Great Grandparents, as well as her Aunt Chel.  Grandpa Greg and Grandma Jan came up, and brother Greg, Steph and the kids drove down as well. There wasn't a shortage of conversation this past weekend, and we all had so much fun telling stories, and reliving old memories. 
Beautiful cousins
Being silly with Cousin Johnny
Chillin, and watching Funny videos

Cuddles from Aunt Michelle. She's a natural!! 

Auntie Stephanie's turn
Story time with grandma Jan 
Starting her off young. Nightly Janasko tradition of playing cards.
Lovin' from Great Grandma Colleen 
Great Grandpa Bou. Someone was smitten with baby girl.

Thanks everyone for the memorable weekend!! Hugs!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Road trip.

Everlee is so excited to go see great grandpa and grandma Boucher she is arching herself up. 

Pretty girl....

Tummy and blankie time. 

Kickin it with Kenzie

We have a new face around the Kneifl household as of this week.  Kenzie, Everlee's new nanny, started with us Tuesday, and we are delighted with the relationship these two have already formed.  Mommy and daddy feel so blessed that we found her, and that our most treasured gift, is in great hands. What a relief !! 

Making new friends at her first story time with Kenzie.

Strolling along at the butterfly exhibit.

Big bow courtesy of Auntie Stephanie, ensemble courtesy of Kenzie. Love this fashionista! Adorable!! 

Pretty girls! Most importantly, happy girls!! 
Welcome to our family Kenzie! We look forward to years of new memories that will be created.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Our Fair Lady

We took Everlee to the fair this week, and here are a few pics that were too cute not to post. A "Fairly" uneventful day, as far as sightseeing, but baby girl had beautiful weather for stroller riding.  Hard to take in everything, when your daughter can sunburn in one minute on an overcast day. Next year we look forward to showing her all the fair has to offer!!!

Hanging at Jake and Erin's camper. 

In her stroller on the tractor ride to the fairgrounds. Notice that middle finger, it was a theme throughout the day.Baby girl wanted to SEE what was going on around her, not just hear. Thank goodness that symbolic gesture did not reflect in her mood:)

Zonked out while cruising around.

Aaaaand there's that middle finger again, now from the other hand.
She thinks its pretty funny giving mommy the bird :) 
Nice little nap after listening to all of the sounds at the 2013 state fair.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dog-gone cute

There were so many precious moments on Wednesday that just needed to be shared.

Everlee was fascinated by Zella, and couldn't get enough fistfuls of fur. While this was not Zella's ideal way to receive attention, she soaked up every minute of Everlee's love and curiosity.

Daddy takes a break from his hard day of work, to spend time with his girl.

Napping in her crib with her lovey.

Squeaky clean. Everlee loves taking baths, and we can't wait for the day we see our lil fishy in the big pond.

Good night, and sweet dreams! Love her!!