Sunday, September 20, 2015


Girls finding creative ways to stay close to the shopping cart. If she won't get in it, she will get on it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Anatomically correct Olaf

Everlee LOVES playing with play doh, and on this particular day she was really into making Frozens Olaf. She was almost finished, when she announced she added a final touch. Olaf's privates. She was very proud of her creation;)

Monday, September 7, 2015

New bed

Everlee has been all over the place with her sleeping, or lack there of at times. She had been getting up almost every night, and coming into our room wanting to get into our bed. She is also wanting to sleep on her floor for naps, and sometimes all night. So today we decided it was time to convert her toddler bed, to her full size bed. Hopefully more room, and frozen bedding, will help her sleep comfortably, and thru the night.
 Nighttime sleeping on her floor 
Look at our little toddler in her big girl bed:) sweet dreams beautiful!! 

We have a preschooler

Last Tuesday was Everlees first day of preschool, and it was a morning filled with emotion. Evs was excited, mom was nervously excited, and dad was stoic, and full of support. We had been talking about preschool for months, and the day was finally here. Of course when we dropped off Evs, her classroom was a bit chaotic. Crying kids, snotty noses, and coughing attacks. I held Evs close, and wanted to say to her" let's make a run for  the door, you don't have to stay here." But I pulled it together, and encouraged her to join her classmates. The teachers were eager to distract her while I made my exit. Evs seemed ok with it, I however, stifled back tears. We left her church, and I cried until We picked her up. When we finally picked her up a few hours later, she was eating lunch, and chatting with her teacher. I kneeled beside her, whispered her name, and she flung around so quickly, clung to me and we both sobbed. She kept saying "mommy I cried, I'm sad, I missed you and daddy." Ughhhhhh talk about a dagger into the ole heart. After we left we talked about the friends she made, the fun things about her morning, and that  she would have so many exciting things to do, and learn at preschool. Well Friday's drop off was rough, full screaming hysterics once we walked back to the classroom, and that was from Evs not me. Teacher Beth whisked Evs away to read a book, and I left with a heavy heart. When I picked her up after lunch, she was eager to hug me, looked happy, was smiling, and wanted to stay and play independently. This mommy felt relieved. It's so hard to leave her those few hours, but I know playing, socializing, and learning from teachers, and students is so good for her. Im excited for her. And the rest of her learning experiences. What I'm not excited about...... Those yucky germs she will be infected with:(