Friday night Fro yo time

Hard to cram all three of us in the picture and take a selfie, we have t Rex arms;)

Soon enough baby girl! I have a feeling she will really enjoy her solid foods;)

Of course when I asked Evs what she wanted to do on our girls weekend, she eagerly shouted get shopkins. And so we shall.

The look of pure excitement when she gets to her favorite isle. She used her budget wisely, didn't just get shopkins, but mixed in some num nums, a tiara, and a couple new rattles for Eden. What a sweet sis to share with her sissy!

I love the diversity this girl has. Princess and all girl one minute, then train tables, pj mask, ninja turtles, and paw patrol the next minute.

Testing out toys for Eden.

After 2.15 hours in toys r us, she wasn't quite ready to leave, and was trying to make a mad dash back to her favorite isle.
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