Eden had her special day being baptized, and the day was full of so much emotion, love, pride, and thankfulness. To have our families travel from far and near for her special day, means so much to rich and I. We are beyond blessed to have our 2nd miracle baby, and today was a day celebrating that joy, as we welcomed Eden into gods world, and continuously thanked him for our 2nd greatest gift. Sometimes I say to myself "what did I ever do to deserve these wonderful girls?" And then I am reminded of our journey conceiving them, and the amount of faith and prayer it took to bring them into our world. That seems like a lifetime ago, such distant memories, that have been replaced with peace, gratitude, pure joy and contentment. To say we are blessed is an understatement, and our girls, well, they are some pretty lucky kiddos to have a life full of soooo much love:)

Godparents minus Hollie and Jason. Hollie was able to cross an experience off her bucket list-running her first half marathon! What an accomplishment, and we are so proud of you and your dedication!!

Blessing of Edens baptismal bracelets

What a beauty:)

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