Monday, October 17, 2016

Breaking in new camper

A couple weeks ago we joined The Helland fam, and took the girls out to break in the new camper. The weather was great, the camper was so awesome and cozy, the company was wonderful, and the sleep, well it was minimal the first night;). Second night sleeping with my  baby, and we both slept much better:)
Ready to go in daddy's hat
They see me rollin, they hatin(it's a song). This jeepnwas the hit of the playground, and evs loved it. I forsee one one in her future;):)
These two played SOOOO well together! We barely saw Evs, she and Avery were inseparable and so sweet to one another. 
Great way to start a brisk morning and end a chilly night.
We had such a great time camping close to home, with the Helland's, and i foresee more camping trips together in our future!

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