Friday, May 3, 2013

5/3 Update

Everlee had a very restful night (still without any sedation), which helped heal her throat and allowed her to adjust to the Heliox machine. Yesterday they had the machine set at 6 LPM (Liters Per Minute) and the plan from the Dr today wanted the machine turned down to 5 LPM. Since all of her other stats have been outstanding, this is going to be the one I will be following closely for the next few days. They are going to turn it down very gradually, so she doesn't fall back into PPH.

She has been off food since the tube has been pulled because they didn't want her coughing up anything while her throat was healing. Good news: they are going to start 10 ml feedings today at noon, and increase them slowly, as long as her stomach tolerates it. Like we've said and heard 1000 times throughout this process "We're on Everlee's time here, she makes all the decisions"

She's getting so strong when she holds our fingers and squeezes. She likes to pull our hands close to her while she sucks on her pacifier. The Dr told us that when babies are intubated, they tend to want to push the tube out of their mouth, so they lose the ability to suck. Everlee has been doing a very good job with her pacifier, and even likes to hold it in with her own hand. This little girl never stops impressing us!

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