Friday, March 24, 2017

10 months

Long stints of sleep is not of importance to Eden as of lately. She would much rather wake up every couple of hours to jibber jabber,  and move around like crazy in her crib. Needless to say we are a wee bit tired in the kneifl household, but listening to her chat throughout the night can be somewhat entertaining. Words that she is saying are:
 oh oh, ba(ball) ew ew for monkey sound, no no no no(smiles and shakes her head side to side when doing so) sis, ba ba for chicken, rarrr rarrrr rarrr for dog, and mmm for cow. Signs include milk, more,food, and please. So we were in watching her being able to communicate verbally, we're through sign language, what she's thinking,  and what she is associating with.

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