Sunday, January 10, 2016

New Years

It's soooooo nice  only having to walk a house or two down to celebrate the new year. My how times have changed with a kiddo. Don't know who was ready for bed first, Everlee or daddy!
Pie in the face! We've been hearing so much about it, and glad we got to play;) 
Saran Wrap ball. Person to the left rolls te dice until they get doubles. Meanwhile the person with the Saran Wrap ball unwraps as fast as possible to release the candy. Evs thought it was Halloween round two. Candy was being shoved into her mouth at Mach speeds.
Sugar has kicked in, and the dance party begins.
Danny's turn! Who knew he had such great moves ;)
Thanks for having us over Sauer family!! 
Oh and for the record: daddy bedtime 9:30, Everlee 10:20 :)

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