Sunday, January 3, 2016

Christmas celebration

Christmas night was a fun laid back kind of night, filled with nonstop talking, good eats, and once again many laughs. It was great being able to see family members from both sides, and share the holiday with them.
Thank you gma coco for the Christmas dress!! 
Evs loves this train table from poppa and gma k! What a Huge hit!! Thank you!!
Flips with gma Jan. Evs couldn't get enough:)
My Christmas gift from the hubs. He jokes around we should have a third, and I always say"I'm done, or this is my last one." Unique and perfect gift as always!
When your squirmy 2 1/2 year old is OVER having her picture taken, you get creative;)
Love that we got these family pics, and missed the smiths at the gathering, but know they were creating wonderful lifelong memories as well!!

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