Wednesday, January 1, 2014

HaPpY NeW YeAr !!

2013 was our year, and we are forever grateful that we were blessed with such good fortune the past year! Its hard to imagine another year bringing us just as much happiness, but we know with our precious girl, it will be done! It's so exciting to think about what 2014 has in store for our family!! 
So far the year has gotten off to a fantastic start! After a fun, and early New Year's Eve, the three of us spent New Year's Day laughing, snuggling, wrestling, eating , posing, and just being plain silly. Couldn't have asked for a better way to start the year. 
Think she's got him pinned. He just might tap out;)
Wrestling daddy just wasn't enough, now it's time for some beard pulling. Do you blame her, it's just so darn bushy, how can she resist.
After all of that wrestling, Everlee worked up quite the appetite, and needed a nice nutritional snack. Ok, so maybe celery wasn't exactly what she had in mind :)
Fueled up and ready to show off her downward facing dog. Looks like she's going to be quite the yogi. 

Wishing everyone a healthy, prosperous, and joyous 2014. 

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