Friday, January 24, 2014

9 months old

Everlee turned 9 months today! Her accomplishments the past month constantly amazed us. Constant crawling and standing, pulling herself up onto everything, motating around the house In her walker, high fiving, tapping, jabbering, doing sign language for milk, open mouth kisses, eating some cubes of food as opposed to purees, feeding herself, and brushing her two bottom teeth. Every day is filled with the greatest of joy watching our little miracle develop. 
Feeding herself mandarin oranges and bananas :-P
Loving these chubby rolls!
Everlee's 9 month stats:
Weight: 19lb 1oz= 65%
Head circumference: 17 1/2= 67% still representing daddys noggin
Height :26"= 4 % still representing mommys dinkiness
After a finger prick to check her iron, a few tears, and a boo boo bandage, baby girl was worn out.

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