Saturday, January 25, 2014

Breakfast of champions

At Everlee's Drs. Appt yesterday, her pediatrician gave us the go ahead to experiment with more table foods. So on this mornings menu was cooked egg yolk, buttered toast, and bananas. She was so excited, and couldn't get the food from her pinchers to her mouth fast enough. After her belly was full, meal time turned into play with food time. Guess it's more fun playing with food that's not puréed, and playing with food that can actually move around easily on her tray.
Finger lickin' good
High five to a successful big girl breakfast 
Practicing good dental hygiene. It's a must to brush those chompers after 
breakfast and dinner. This makes Aunt Brenda proud:)

Friday, January 24, 2014

A Celebration of Life

Thirteen and a half years ago we brought home a very enthusiastic piece of our family... and today, with great sadness and tears, we had to let her go.

Zella will always be a very special family member, friend and companion that filled our hearts with unconditional love and devotion.
She loved and protected Everlee from the moment we brought her home, which couldn't have been easy for a 13 year old dog who was set in her ways.
But, it was no surprise that she knew Everlee was important to us, and therefore, that made it important to her as well.

We're very happy that those 2 got the chance to meet and spend time together.
With Zella in our family, she has unintentionally made us better people.
Year after year she never ceased to amaze us with her intelligence, toughness and passion for life.
It helps heal our aching hearts, to know that she is now pain free and sits in a better place.
Most likely, directly in front of God's fireplace after a day of chasing pheasants and swimming. :)
We'll miss you Zella, and will never forget the countless memories we've made over the years.
Rest in Peace, Friend.
With Love,
-Rich, Andrea and Everlee

9 months old

Everlee turned 9 months today! Her accomplishments the past month constantly amazed us. Constant crawling and standing, pulling herself up onto everything, motating around the house In her walker, high fiving, tapping, jabbering, doing sign language for milk, open mouth kisses, eating some cubes of food as opposed to purees, feeding herself, and brushing her two bottom teeth. Every day is filled with the greatest of joy watching our little miracle develop. 
Feeding herself mandarin oranges and bananas :-P
Loving these chubby rolls!
Everlee's 9 month stats:
Weight: 19lb 1oz= 65%
Head circumference: 17 1/2= 67% still representing daddys noggin
Height :26"= 4 % still representing mommys dinkiness
After a finger prick to check her iron, a few tears, and a boo boo bandage, baby girl was worn out.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Just chillin in my crib

Everlee is so happy when she wakes up for the day, and from her naps. Today when I went in her room, she was sitting up chatting to her binky, and trying to reach for her mobile. One of the many new things she does on a daily basis, that remind us how quickly our baby is growing up.

Gosh darn it, we love this girl so stinkin much! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

On the move, BIG time!

Everlee has been doing a lot of standing and walking along the furniture lately. When she wants help walking to another location she will reach for our hands and then walk to another toy with a little assistance. 

It seems that her independent mobility and coordination skills improve every single day by leaps and bounds. Her intelligence day by day is pretty astonishing as well. 

She loves it when she can cruise around the hardwood floor in her walker. It brings a gigantic smile to her face when she's in motion. Big surprise, right?

Her herky jerky army crawl has turned into a real crawl as well. This little lady is gonna be walking in no time. Then, the real fun shall begin. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Meat, it's what's for dinner

Everlee had her first experience with meat this evening (daddy's been waiting for this kind of meal) and she loved it!! She ate all natural, organic, boiled chicken that was pureed with milk to thin it out, and I couldn't get that spoon into her mouth fast enough. So glad that she loves food, and so glad that thus far, does not have a picky palate! 
Mmmmmm Mmmmmm Mmmmmm!! Good stuff!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Tooth chattering temps

Yesterday proved to be an all around frigid day. As if it wasn't cold enough outside, we spent a good portion of our day dipping into the freezer. Yup, Everlee has one bottom tooth that is cutting thru the gum, and another working on its debut.  Lots of ice cubes and teething rings were gone thru in attempt to subside the discomfort. In the end snuggles, singing, a bit of the baby channel, and a dose of pain reliever helped alleviate the pain. Well, at least for a few hours. We knew this day would come soon enough, and we both have been mentally preparing ourselves for this  nightmarish stage. So far, it's worse then imagined.  As a parent it's heartbreaking seeing your little one so uncomfortable, and feeling completely helpless in your attempts to remedy the pain :( hopefully this process will go by quickly! That is until next round.

Staying warm in -30 degrees, in true fashionista style.
Rocking while watching the tube was a nice distraction. 
And the pain reliever has set in.
Feeling good enough to do some crawling and planking.
Let me look on my laptop and see if I can find some home remedies for this teething process.
Looks like a relaxing bath is what Everlee 
discovered she needed.