Happy birthday sweet baby girl!
I find myself saying this over and over, but time sure does fly. Iwanted to first start out by saying Thank You, Eden. Thank you for one year ago today. Thank you for giving us a birth that was free of complications. I was actually able to smile that day as I held you.
This past year has been filled with so much fun and pride watching you develop. Your carefree approach and laid back personality reminds me just how great life is. Your smile is infectious, and it doesn't matter how many times I see it, it always brings joy to my day. Even when you have a rough night and we share the same sleeping quarters, I can always look over at you and smile. No matter how late it is. :-)
I really love the sibling interaction/bond that I see developing as the year has gone by. I can see future best friends playing right in front of my eyes almost every single day. The love between sisters is definitely something special. I can't imagine a better feeling than watching you and Everlee grow up side by side, laughing and smiling together. Occasionaly fighting :-), but always loving each other.
It's hard to put into words how much gratitude I have for this life that God has granted this family. I really have no idea how I got this lucky. I don't try to think about it, I just try to enjoy it. Time is precious and goes by so fast, I want to soak in as much as I can.
When I think about the future, and everything that's in store for you, I get an overwhelming feeling of pride and excitement because I know you're destined for greatness. I want you to know that I do everything in my power to provide the best life I can for you and the rest of my girls. Me and your mother work really hard to make sure we're raising you with strong family values and I know that will pay off when you decide to have a family of your own.
A few years ago, if you would have told me a story about a Dad who spends his weekends sitting around a campfire, with 2 wonderful daughters and the love of his life, I would have thought you were describing a person who has it all. Well, here I am, being that person, living that dream, with a village of family and friends that I wouldn't trade for anything.
One of my favorite songs by Andy Grammer is called Good to be Alive. It has a line in there that probably best describes the way I have felt for the past year.... "I think I found my Hallelujah".
The only difference is that I don't "think" I found it, I know I found it.
I love you Eden, more than you'll ever know, and hope you have a great 1st birthday. I thank you for being who you are. I also thank God every single day that you entered our lives and became a part of the Kneifl family!
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