Playing peek a boo with the red hatters:)

And because they thought Evs was so polite and adorable, they gave her a cupcake:-P

I have said it before, and I'll say it again. There is a certain walk Evs gets when entering toys r us. It's a walk that I compare to my grandma Colleen's when she enters a casino. It is a walk that is focused, and full of excitement and purpose. This girl is on a mission, and her mission is to look over every item, some numerous times, and to have fun.

Everlee got gift card from grandma coco, and she was to also include a gift for Eden in her purchases. She was happy to do so, and chose a cell phone for Eden, and princess legos for herself.

Making a wish

After toys r us, a trip to the mall to visit the Disney store was on the agenda. Well, there is no longer a Disney store at the mall. I don't know if it's been gone a year, five years, or 10 years. These are things you don't really pay attention to when you don't have kiddos, then when you do have them, you have no clue when things change :-O Evs was bummed(not to mention no napping, so irritable) so instead of taking her to the germ infested play center, we went to Claire's and purchased splashlings for triple the price they usually are. Oh well, whatever avoids a major meltdown.

Funny little story about this hat Evs is wearing. I made her put it on before leaving the mall, and I got a "mom, you are sooo ruuuuuude," comment. No nap=100% attitude.

Thank you gma coco and Poppa Rudy for having Evs overnight Friday, so we could catch up on some sleep. You know it's been a rough couple of weeks, when mom and dad are both in bed at 8:30pm. Also thanks for watching Eden Saturday, so we could have an afternoon with Everlee. When putting her to bed that night, she was so tender, sweet, and loving. She said it was the best day ever, and to hear her say that, all was right in our sleep deprived world;)
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