A couple months ago the city of ankeny put up 6 helping hand boxes throughout the city. The purpose of these boxes is to have people in the community fill the boxes with food, and personal items, to help those who are in need. One of these boxes is in a trailer park, a couple blocks away from the elementary school the girls will go to. Since reading about these boxes, it has weighed heavily on my heart and mind, that there are children who attend the school that my kiddos will go to, that are without food, go to bed hungry, and aren't sure where and when their next meal will be. So on a montlhy basis, Everlee and I will contribute to the helping hand boxes, so we can give back to others, and give to those that have less than us. Today was our first contribution, and it felt so good giving something we take for granted every single day. Can't wait to keep giving, spreading the love and kindness, and also teaching our girls the importance of giving back, and getting nothing back monitarily, but emotionally.

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