At Edens 6 month appt, her ped said we could start implementing a teaspoon of baby food into her daily feedings. I had been waiting for the go ahead, and started making homemade baby food like butternut squash, acorn squash, and applesauce in anticipation for the big day. We figured Eden would be a total chow hound, she shows so much interest while others are eating, but not so much. After 6 days of food, she still is not showing much interest. Actually turns her head away and closes her mouth. May be a texture thing, or it may be the taste, but as of the past week, homemade butternut squash and applesauce aren't her favs. Not a big deal we shall keep trying a variety of foods, and in the meantime, this mom will be happy to supply her the nourishment she needs :-)
Eagerly waiting
Evs feeding Eden her first bite

Trying to feed herself was rather messy. But, playing with the spoon after was much more fun.