First stop just out of Polk city, Andy had a loose cable to the clutch. Thankfully there were a couple of great mechanics along for the ride, who had the problem fixed in no time!

When it's raining, you spend three hours in a bar in coon Rapids, and a lovely (cough cough) local Genteman gives you a buckeye, and Brenda an interesting looking rock, you know it's going to be a great trip! Thanks for the good luck tokens.... I think :-/

How many men does it take to take put a bolt in the saddle bag, to accommodate a breast pump. Cause riding with a breast pump is totally normal right??? Good thing this was the last trip for mine, who knows next year it could be Brenda's ;);) he he:)

Highlight of the trip-we all were chilling on the Kneifls deck, there was a bat in the can light, eating a moth. Most of us girls were a bit squeamish witnessing this, so what does Big Rich do? Goes and gets his BB gun, whips off his glasses, and with one swift shot, takes that bat down! The can light stays intact, the bat goes down hissing, then goes to his final resting place, And we all can relax easily!! AWESOMENESS!!

Big thank you to my in-laws for the hospitality, great eats and drinks, and another memorable get away! Can't wait to see what next year brings;)

Also BIG thanks to mom and papa Rudy for taking care of our most prized possessions! We rode easily knowing they were in great hands!!
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