This place was insanely busy. I should have known when I had to park on the top ramp. There were 12 buses of field trippers there, and the place was filed with big kids running amuck. So after an hour and fifteen minutes, a punch to Everlees gut by a toddler, and many deep deep breaths from momma, us three girls were ready to bolt. Evs didn't mind leaving one bit when I bribed( I mean offered) to take her to get some shopkins, or stay at the science center. Note to self for future visits, don't go at the end of the year when children and teachers have classroom fever.
Someone doesn't mind, but I could only handle dodging and weaving in and out of kiddos, being bumped into, and finally being sneezed and coughed on, for so long. I was beyond relieved when Evs wanted to leave. We shall try it again in a few weeks, when school is out, and this momma is a bit more comfortable around unorganized chaos.