Sunday, December 6, 2015

Time for Thanks!

We were so thankful to be able to spend time this thanksgiving with both of our families. The endless amount of laughs, yummy meals, and great company, had us all feeling full. Full of food, gratitude, love, memories, and happiness.
Two of the men working hard to carve the turkey, another thinking about how he's going to work some dead eye into a photo shoot;) 
Gingerbread house making time. I think Coop and Evs spent more time eating the decorations, then they did actually putting them on the house:)
Sugar has kicked in!
Now crash!
Thanks Brigett and Steve for the hospitality, and good times! Now off to Minneapolis.
Friday night Johnny was such a big helper with Evs final breathing treatment!
Craft time.
Movie night.
Foot message with lavender and breathing oils, before bedtime. This peanut was zapped from the holiday festivities.
Thanks Steph and Greg for having us up, fun times as always. And thanks to Jules and Jon for the nonstop entertainment of Everlee. We barely saw her all weekend!!

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