Monday, March 9, 2015

Daddy and Daughter Weekend of Fun

Wow did we have a fantastic weekend together while mommy tended to a work function.

This little red headed girl and I went through 3 days of 1:1 fun that seemed to go by way too fast.
I'm not sure who laughed more between the two of us.

Saturday we set out on a trip to HyVee (with a sucker) to pick up some essentials and see if they might possibly carry an eraser for the new basement chalk board. No eraser here, no big deal.

Next, we tried our luck at Target for the eraser. A new coat and a Minnie Mouse made its way into the cart. I thought she might give it up if we took a couple loops around the store and looked at other stuff.

She didn't.

Advice from little sis says try the dollar store. So, we did on stop #3 in our quest for the elusive eraser.

Hey, check out the pink ball she's playing with. We avoided that coming home with us.

...and we came home with a bigger one. Still no eraser.

In hindsight, it's pretty easy to see that this dear ol dad got worked over by this little nugget. Big time! Lesson learned. Well, let's be honest, probably not.

That afternoon we had the whole Kneifl/Smith/DeVos clan over with special guest appearances by the Millers and Fahns. I didn't get any pics because major fun was happening at all times. Couple that with an ISU victory and I call that a pretty amazing Saturday.

Sunday morning Everlee was getting in some snuggle time with Papa Kneifl. It was great having them over for the festivities.

They treated us to a great Jethros lunch with the Smith clan.

Her cold was really starting to act up, so we decided a little fresh air and bubbles would help. I'm so glad the weather is finally allowing for some outdoor activity. I truly believe this is our happy place and helps the healing.

Every minute spent with her this weekend was a blessing. She's so easy to hang out with and care for and makes me laugh nonstop with her creativity and intelligence.

Eraser or not, this weekend together was perfection.

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