Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wonderful Wednesday

After two days of meetings and working behind the chair, I was ecstatic to have my day with just Evs today. After taking some time off of work at the end of the 2014 year, I got accustom to spending so much time with her. I missed her terribly the past two days, and ate up our time together this morning. 
Showing off her special bracelet she got for her first birthday. She has never worn this particular bracelet, and has been missing her other one that broke. So while the other is being repaired, she wore this treasured gift.
Everlees own noodle creation! Lots of salt, marjoram, and bay leaves. Not edible, but she sure had fun cooking with momma!
Now helping add some spices to the ricotta, for our actual dinner. Lasagna! It was extra delicious thanks to my sous chef:)
Back to her spices. This time it was more fun to sprinkle them on the counter :)
After dinner was prepared, it was time for hide and seek time. Everlee takes this game so seriously, and doesn't make a peep, until you find her. This spot cracked me up, because usually she hides behind a door, curtain, or chair. She's laying on the floor by our bed, and I could see her if I was in top of the bed, but she didn't think I could see her. So, it was totally if I can't see you, you can't see me! I Surprised her!! Too funny! 
After dinner it was time to have Everlee cook for daddy. And yes she is nakey girl again. Would you want to be in bulky diapers all day????  Plus we are using this as a time to help her recognize when she pee pees, so she can differentiate the two bodily function sensations. Hopefully soon she will also tell us when she goes pee pee, so we can put that Elmo potty to use. 
Another wonderful day with my girl!

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