Monday, June 2, 2014

Sun those Buns

We finally blew up Everlee's dome pool, and she tested it out yesterday and today. 
Hydrating before her big swim
Bathing suit wedgie. Ouch!
More fun playing on the deck, then in the pool. Guess I'll just watch my buddy play.
Maci LOVES the pool. 
Day 2- Let's give this pool thing another go. 
Got my toys, let's do this!
The pool was short lived, maybe 5 minutes total. As much as Evs loves to take a bath, she was very leery of her pool. Hopefully the more we can ease her into warmer water temps, the more she will love playing in her perfectly shaded pool. 
Drying off those bunsies, and helping herself to an afternoon snack :)

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