Monday, April 28, 2014

Everlee's 1st Birthday

Daddy wrote such a beautiful letter to Everlee for her first birthday, and nothing can top his sweet message to her. So here are some highlights from her special day, and weekend! 
Just showing off my walking skills now that I'm officially one. 
Birthday lunch with mommy and daddy at her favorite restaraunt. Cheese quesadilla at Boji. 
First sweet treat of frozen yogurt at cherry berry. Not sure if the birthday cake yogurt was too sweet, or just too cold, but she didn't quite care for the delicious treat. Had a couple bites, shivered, pushed it away, and decided it was much more fun to play with her birthday guests- Cousin Cooper and Auntie Hollie. 
Thank you for the beautiful bows, and for the wonderful company Auntie Hollie and Cousin Cooper!! 
Birthday girl in her absolutely adorable custom made, couture outfit, courtesy of Auntie Brigett! Thank you so much for getting this keepsake for Everlee!! Look for more pics of this completely precious outfit in weeks to come, as it will be featured in her professional 1 year photos!!
Everlee loves spending time with all of her cousins!! Great picture captured by Auntie Stephanie. That's definitely a framer. 
Daddy's fun party shirt. It says" You don't scare me... My daughter's a redhead." So cool that he rocked a neon pink shirt, for his pride and joys special day :)
Cakes, cupcakes, and photo collage from Grandma Coco. Thank you so much for taking the time to make these for Everlee's party! So perfect for her special day! 
Well we were not expecting this kind of reaction to her first bite of cake. Pretty sure the no nap afternoon contributed to this response.
The cake(no frosting)was better when all eyes weren't on her, the singing was done, and she had a moment to enjoy it peacefully :) 
Thank you to everyone that contributed in helping, and offering to help, make Everlee's special day a success. A big thank you to all of her guests that traveled near and far, to share in this joyous day. It means the world to us seeing people come together for our little girl. She is such a treasured gift, and we are thankful she receives so much love from our family and friends! 

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