Tuesday, March 18, 2014

A little catching up

The past month has been full of changes, and ridiculously busy in the Kneifl household. Everlee has had the crud 2 times in the past three weeks, mom and dad went to Mexico for one week(mayyyy have been a few days too long), Evs had feeding changes and nap changes due to us being gone and darn daylight savings time, she had a change in daycare, and peanut is simply just growing. 
First breathing treatment in the doctors office for her bronchiolitis. Not a happy girl.
Not too bad when you can assist, lick the mask, and watch the baby channel.
Sickie snuggles with Grandma Jan
Trying to smile thru the gunk on her 10 month b day.
Looks like this idea doesn't work anymore.
Staying still for pics only lasts so long, guess this pose will do.
So great to have time together! <3
The view from right outside our room. We splurged and had a swim up suite! Two steps out of our patio were loungers, that were submerged in our private pool.  What a great way to get the morning started. 
Back home to our favorite baby. We sure did miss her, more than we could have imagined!! Big thanks to everyone that took time out of their schedules to stay with Everlee! It was reassuring knowing she was in great care, and happy. 

Also a big thanks to Auntie Hollie, and the Smith family! They have opened their home to Everlee when Mommy has to work.  It's so fun to see Evs playing, hugging, sharing, and growing up with her cousins and Aunt. Talk about peace of mind! The search for the perfect nanny is over. There's nothing like family members taking care of your child, and the love they give :) 
See how happy she is!! A room full of cousin Chloe's pink toys = heaven for Everlee!

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