Monday, November 4, 2013

Food, glorious food!

Well it has been just over a week since Everlee has been eating yummy big girl food. The day she had her first spoonful of food was bittersweet for mommy, because for just over 6 months Everlee has only had breast milk. I love that we have both worked so hard, and overcome many obstacles to maintain this special bond. I love that I am able to produce and provide her with the healthiest nutrients possible. I love that we have moments throughout the night, together that leave us both feeling fulfilled, and satisfied.  I love that when I look at every delicious pudgey roll on our daughter, that my human body contributed to her well being. I am proud of our dedication and determination, and I am thankful for a supportive husband, family, and friends who have allowed Evs and I make it this far. There have been moments of tears, pain, frustration and complete exhaustion, but the positivity and encouragement keeps us chugging (literally) along. With that said, here are pics of baby girl eating homemade and organic food that has been made by mommy. Oh and not to forget daddy, he helped do some stirring during the making process :)
Very first bite of food. Sweet potatoes! Not so sure about this sensation.

Yummmmmm! I'm kinda liking this guys!
I can do it myself!
Ok, I got it!

First food experience=success!
Applesauce with daddy. New texture and flavor!
Big girls turn .

Her favorite so far, bananas!!!! Everlee couldn't get enough! Her legs were kicking like crazy, and I couldn't get the next spoonful into her mouth fast enough! Looks like she may have her mommas sweet tooth, and her daddy's ravenous appetite. At times they both eat so fast, that neither one of them chew their food ;)

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