Everlee turned 6 months old today, and our morning started off with a blast......literally. This morning we were sitting on her ottoman chatting and singing, when mommy thought it would be wise to get baby doll out of her pj's and diaper. Usually this is done on her changing table , but we were having so much fun, figured I'd be in the moment and not disrupt our happy time. Next thing I know I feel a warm gush of fluids on my lap. Figured it's probably pee, and got up to rush her to her table. As we were hurrying to the table, there was an explosive blast from this sweet pea, and I realize it's not pee, but poo. Sure enough it was on my leg, my foot, her blanket, her bum and the floor. Guess that's how she wanted to start off her special day. At least there's a really good memory, and story, attached to her 1/2 bday.
Here she is cleaned up, and ready for her big day.
Aside from the poopy start to our day, we are delighted that we have such a loving,
Sweet yet fiesty, active, alert, fun, beautiful, and most importantly healthy 6 month old. Mommy and daddy love you more than we ever knew possible, and are so thankful we have you as our miracle baby, our little warrior princess!
Accomplishments this month have included sitting up for 10-15 mins at a time, sleeping in her big girl bed(well napping for sure, long stints of sleeping, not so much) army crawling and slithering all over, and picking up and chewing on anything she can get her hands on.
Next big feat.....food in addition to her breastmilk!! Look for fun pics of this venture to come !!
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