Monday, August 26, 2013

Easin' on up to Estherville

Friday we headed up to Estherville so Everlee could meet her Great Grandparents, as well as her Aunt Chel.  Grandpa Greg and Grandma Jan came up, and brother Greg, Steph and the kids drove down as well. There wasn't a shortage of conversation this past weekend, and we all had so much fun telling stories, and reliving old memories. 
Beautiful cousins
Being silly with Cousin Johnny
Chillin, and watching Funny videos

Cuddles from Aunt Michelle. She's a natural!! 

Auntie Stephanie's turn
Story time with grandma Jan 
Starting her off young. Nightly Janasko tradition of playing cards.
Lovin' from Great Grandma Colleen 
Great Grandpa Bou. Someone was smitten with baby girl.

Thanks everyone for the memorable weekend!! Hugs!

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