Sunday, July 21, 2013

Kamping Kneifl Style

Everlee had her first camping outing Saturday, and boy did she have a great time. She enjoyed the fresh air, sounds of birds chirping, and the company of The  Howards, and our neighbors two doors down. Everlee is definitely an outdoors girl, and we can't wait to take her on more trips.

Chatting about our upcoming adventure, and stealing smooches from Daddy. Someone has him wrapped around that tiny pinky of hers, and he loves it!

Fighting a nap with her favorite new cuddle buddy. Thank you Uncle John, Aunt Nancy, and Cousin Anna! Everlee LOVES this soft, perfect sized lamb.

Being silly and giddy in the RV, on our 10 minute ride to the campground .

Lil peanut in Daddy's BIG chair.

Camping is sooooo relaxing!

Taking a break from the heat, and chillin' in the air condition. How lucky are we that this happy girl is our daughter. She's never in a bad mood!!

Aunt Brenda and Everlee having a serious conversation.... Probably about running, working out, and the importance of a good diet;)

Tired family.

Baby girl had such a great time, she fell asleep at home, watching the baby channel. Now, her falling asleep on her own, and not in our arms, is a first. 
Hopefully this is a sign of more independent napping!!

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