Monday, April 29, 2013

4/29 Morning Update

We were ecstatic to walk into Everlee's room this morning and see that the Nitric Oxide machine was GONE! She did so well yesterday with the lowered settings, they removed it at some point in the middle of the night and her body adjusted very well according to her blood gas readings. Luckily, the good news did not stop there. Her Dopamine drip was removed as well! They had to turn her oxygen up to 34% to compensate for the changes in Nitric, which the Nurse said is very normal.

The screen below is from the respirator that she's hooked up to, and the bottom line graph shows the breaths that the machine is taking for her (in blue) and the breaths she's taking on her own (brown). I have never seen her take 2 in a row before, and before we left this morning she was taking 3 in a row.

They are going to let her be for awhile and make sure she continues to stabilize, before they start lowering her oxygen. Her blood pressure readings have been in the low 40's after all these changes, and the Doctor said he's happy with that, but would like to see her readings slowly start to rise.

Mommy and Daddy got to touch her tummy and head while the nurse drew blood. While Mommy was doing positive touch, the nurse commented that Everlee was much calmer than normal, even when they put a needle in her heal. So, we know our presence is greatly contributing to the healing process for all 3 of us. With the fantastic staff at Mercy, the prayers and support that encompasses us, we feel truly blessed to have such an awesome support system.

Here's a picture of her room that looks sooooooo much better with the Nitric machine gone and not taking up space.

Snuggled up and resting.


  1. Hi Rich and Andrea it's cousin Amy! We are praying for you guys and I check your blog a couple times a day! hugs to all of you!!!

  2. It's great to read all of the posts and see the improvements she's made in such a short period of time, although it probably seems like forever to you guys. She'll be home with you guys before you know it and daddy Rich will be cleaning poopy diapers left and right. That'll be better than adult poop on your couch.
