I love these fun, calm, creative, and bonding mornings with my girls. And, so glad my mom can join in on the fun, and our experiences!!!
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Mall walkers
After the museum we strolled they the mall, rode the see theu elevator, made wishes, and got a sucker for the Edster.

I love these fun, calm, creative, and bonding mornings with my girls. And, so glad my mom can join in on the fun, and our experiences!!!
I love these fun, calm, creative, and bonding mornings with my girls. And, so glad my mom can join in on the fun, and our experiences!!!
Children’s museum
Now this is more my speed;)

Nail painting
Guarding her turf;)

Nail painting
Guarding her turf;)
Sunday morning tradition
Daddy’s famous waffles, and now TWO helpers:)

Swim lessons
Week one of 7 swimming lessons. I signed Evs up for swimming lessons this winter because she is not a natural, or very comfortable swimming. I don’t expect her to be an Olympian, but I do expect her to have the life skill of swimming. It’s important that both girls are able to keep themselves above water, safe, be able to remain calm, and swim if they ever get in over their heads. With that being said, Evs was definitely over her head in this new 4-5 year old class. The first thing the teacher asked them to do in water Evs could barely touch In, was Bob. Evs have no clue what that was, and was barely going bubbles in the water. So imagine our surprise when the next thing they asked to do a front flint. Ummmmmm I think we will be changing classes, and having her partake in a class that is moreher beginner skill level:) thank goodness the teacher was more then happy to help ALOT of the students in this class:)

Science center
It’s been awhile since Eden and I have had a free Friday morning, so we hit up the science center for some playtime and learning. I quickly remembered how bush fridays were when I saw 12 school buses parked, when we pulled up. Oh jeez my heart sunk. It takes a lot for me to have feelings of anxiousness, but knowing how crazy this place was going to be, did it. So, I had to take a couple deep breaths, give myself a kind pep talk, and calm my inner momma bear. This place was insanity, so many BIG kids going bonks, I was going to have to chill, roll with the punches, and just let Eden take it all in. 

Not planned, but Eden and I were rocking matching camo, just opposite tops and bottoms

After 2 hours of playing, we had lunch, and hit the breaks. My oh my the things we do for our kids. She left happy, and I left relieved!
Not planned, but Eden and I were rocking matching camo, just opposite tops and bottoms
After 2 hours of playing, we had lunch, and hit the breaks. My oh my the things we do for our kids. She left happy, and I left relieved!
Coffee talk
One of our favorite places to go with Poppa and Coco

Thank you Poppa and coco for the yummy treats, and fun outing:)
Thank you Poppa and coco for the yummy treats, and fun outing:)
Back to boppin
Glad to be back after a couple months off

Friday, February 2, 2018
I’m gonna brag for a moment here
A year ago or so, Evs asked to paint her daddy’s nails. His response was boys don’t paint their fingernails.
Fast forward to a week ago, when Evs wanted to paint my nails, I had to put Eden down for a nap, but said after she was down, Evs could paint my nails. Everlee then asked rich if she could paint his nails. His response caught me off guard. SURE, he willingly said!
The look on Evs face probably matched the look on mine, and I know the feeling in our hearts matched as well. We were both surprised, Evs was excited, and I was proud. We were both beaming.
When chatting with Rich that night he stated “when you have people in your life that have experienced tragedy with their child, or are currently experiencing life or death decisions with their child, it really puts things into perspective. Do you really think I care what others think, I care most about what’s under this roof. I have friends that would give anything to have just one more moment like this with their kid. Is it important what others think, or is it important to your daughter? Is it worth sweating the small stuff over, or is it worth letting go, being in the moment, and being present”.
I’ve heard a lot of silly/jokingly “this is my year for”, but when you here “this is my year of being present, in the moment, and living for my girls”, an overwhelming sense of love, respect, appreciation, and gratitude fills your soul:)
I am always proud of my husband, he is a man of truth, integrity, sincerity, priorities, generousity, selflessness, humor, and patience. I could list hundreds more reasons why I adore him, but for now I will leave it at this:
He never ceases to amaze me, and the man he continues to evolve into, makes me feel like the most blessed female on earth. Sorry for the sap, but I am beyond proud of Richard Lee, our wonderful life we have built, and I am thankful my girls have such a kick ass role model!
Now the arcade
Pics don’t do this ride justice! We were rolling as these two rode this horse. Chlo looked so uncomfortable as they were smooshed onto the horse, but was such a trooper for her cousin!
One deliciously tired, non sleeping kiddo.
Such a great night with fam, and were so happy we were invited along for the celebration!
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