This pic on our last morning sums it up. Soaking it all in, not wanting to leave, and knowing it will be another year until we do this all over again.
What a wonderful week with our family! It's ALOT of work packing up the family for an entire week, being out of your element and routine, and after 7 days we ready to get back to our daily schedules. But as soon as we get home, the dust settles, we get back to the daily grind, we start to reminisce about all of the good times we have on this family trip, and we can't wait to do it all over again next year..... minus the hormones, Dairy reactions, and emotional melt downs;) each year will get easier and easier, right;)??
Thank you mom and Rudy for the work you put into making this trip happen each year, and thank you to greg and rich for helping feed our bellies. Most importantly thank you to my family for feeding my soul, and leaving us with wanting years and years of this bay lake tradition:)