Since last Saturday was too hot to play outside, the four of us spent the afternoon indoors at target, the bookstore, Mall, and Cheesecake Factory. If was such a fun day with my loves!!
These two "looking" thru the finding dory blind bags.
The looking, turned into feeling, to see what surprise was in the mystery bag. AND it wasn't by the three year old ;)
Shocking that she ends up at the shopkins section
This family is on a mission to find a shopkins glow in the dark techy. EVERLEE wants one soooo bad. So Instead of the 2 packs we usually buy, we went for the 20 pack. They are hard to come by, but daddy did some research to find out who has some in stock. While we, I mean Everlee didn't get a techy in the mega pack, she did get quite a few new season fivers ;)
Evs educating her father on where, and who her new shopkins are.
Thumbs up to her strawberry smoothie
Edster just a Chillin and being the happy girl she is
Evs picked out the Oreo cheesecake for dessert, and it was the perfect way to end our perfect day!!